Welcome To The Institute For Global Compliance

The Institute For Global Compliance

Compliance, Connections, and Growth

Our purpose is to educate people about Global Compliance and serve as a voice for Direct Selling Compliance worldwide.
Our goal: Become the leading voice for Compliance across every industry.

Why You Need The Institute For Global Compliance.

Since October 2021, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has sent out Penalty Offense Authority letters to 2200 companies and individuals. Each violation can cost YOU $46,517 in fines. How much more will this cost you in legal fees, man hours, and most of all stress and anxiety? Here at the IFGC we provide you with the knowledge you need to mitigate the risk of negative press from consumer advocates, or regulatory legal action. Our members have the pease of mind, of knowing they have a strategic partner, watching out for their best interests.

Rest In Peace Dorris Wood.

Dorris Wood was the cornerstone of MLM's success, her dedication and expertise making her an invaluable asset to the company. Her strategic insights and unwavering commitment propelled MLM to new heights, earning both admiration and respect within the industry. Dorris possessed a rare combination of vision and pragmatism, navigating challenges with grace and determination. Her departure leaves a profound void, her absence keenly felt by colleagues and clients alike. Dorris Wood's legacy will endure as a testament to her remarkable contributions, and she will be dearly missed, not only for her professional acumen but for the warmth and kindness she brought to every interaction.

Documents For Your Review.

An example of an IDS

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3-15-24 FTC Letter to DSA

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3-15-24 FTC Letter to DSSRC

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